18/01/2020 -28/01/2020
Opening: 18. January 2020 7 pm
Paul-Fleischmann-Haus and Studio Grigori Dor
Iranische Strasse 6, 13347 Berlin-Wedding
50/50 Group exhibition
Fifty-fifty! Is the glass half full or half empty? This is not just a matter of opinion, but a question that has preoccupied philosophers and psychologists since the beginning of time. In essence it can be reduced to an argument of different worldviews and/or psychological attitudes to life between optimism and pessimism, affirmation and negation, hope and despair. The large group exhibition is about existential questions of existence, changes of perspective, radical duality of life and a questioning of our viewing habits!
Artist list:
Danja Akulin
Minor Alexander
Deniz Alt
Christoph Bartolmäs
Fehmi Baumbach
Allan Bestle
Sabine Beyerle
Sebastian Bieniek
Aljoscha Blau
Isabelle Borges
Joanna Buchowska
Ulrike Buhl
Heloisa Corrêa
Genia Chef
Grigori Dor
Kerstin Dzewior
Łukasz Furs
Şifa Girinci
Evgeny Dybsky
Julija Goyd
Alexei Gordin
Harald Gottschling
Anna Grau
Lennart Grau
Jens Hausmann
Simone Haack
Stefanie Hillich
René Holm
Katrin Kampmann
Liudmila Kartoshkina-Siewerski
Yulia Kazakova
Kanta Kimura
Ira Konyukhova
Frederic Krauke
Andrei Krioukov
Kathrin Landa
Kennet Lekko
Miriam Lenk
Inna Levinson
Joelle Meißner
Mascha Naumova
Nguyen Xuan Huy
Mocx Dabbert
Anastasia Obaregbe
Jurgen Ostarhild
Justine Otto
Manfred Peckl
Wolfgang Petrick
Richard Rabensaat
Jakob Roepke
Sven Potschien
Dario Puggioni
Monika Radzewicz
Sven Reile
Max Renneisen
Cornelia Renz
Yannick Riemer
Römer + Römer
Michael Rohde
Victoria Rosenman
Daniel Sambo-Richter
Manuela Sambo
Susanne Schirdewahn
Natascha Schwarz
Jutta Scheiner
Tanja Selzer
Kerstin Serz
Semra Sevin
Fabian Seyd
Luzia Simons
Zuzanna Zita Skiba
Alexander Skorobogatov
Moritz Schleime
Dina Shneider
Jonny Star
Doménico CV Talarico
Christian Thoelke
Kata Unger
Luis Uribe
Miriam Vlaming
Armin Völckers
Maria Volokhova
Sergey Voronzov
Sador Weinsčlucker
Peter Wilde
Christopher Winter
René Wirths
Burkhard Witzmann
Thomas Wommelsdorf
Igor Zaidel
Curated by Grigori Dor und Mascha Naumova