Group show of the class of A.R. Penck
27.05. – 01.09.2024 in Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin
Finissage: Sunday 1st of September 3 – 6 p.m.
Schloss Biesdorf Berlin
Alt-Biesdorf 55, 12683 Berlin
53 artists of the former class of A.R. Penck exhibit their works.
The theme of the exhibition is the well-known quote:
“Inhibitions are the wrong form of resistance”
(“Hemmungen sind die falsche Form des Widerstandes”)
by A.R. Penck.
A.R. Penck was Professor for painting and grafic at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany, from 1989 until 2005.
On the approximately 400 square meters of the imposing Schloss Biesdorf in the east of Berlin, the 53 former students of Professor A.R. Penck of the Düsseldorf Art Academy and A.R. Penck himself will be showing around 100 works of art in various genres such as painting, installation, photography, video, drawing and sculpture.
The exhibition is curated by Britta Adler.
Artists of the exhibition:
Wolfgang Adam, Ji-Hyun Bae, Valerij Baratheli, Carlota Carbonell Valero, Andrzej Cisowski, Birgit Decressin, Joanna Danovska, Antje Dorn, Franz Engler, Andrzej Gora, Michael Goldstraß, Sylwia Graya, Cosima Hawemann, Gudrun Hermen, Christian Heilig, Andrea C. Hoffer, J.B. Huh, Ewa Jaczynska, Andreas Junge, Taka Kagitomi, Christian Korda, Bettina Kohrs, Gesine Kikol, Chidi Kwubiri, Marta Klonowska, Mi-Ryeon Kim, Robert Klümpen, Lubomir Typlt, Alexandre Magno, Benjamin Nachtwey, Stefan Noss, Thomas Nowak, A.R. Penck, Wolfgang Pilz, Christiane Rasch, Michael Recht, Katrin Roeber, Christine Reifenberger, Römer + Römer, Claudia Schauerte, Catherine Shamugia, Nikita Schmitz, Marina Sailer, Ekatherina Savtchenko, Carrie Stubbs, Anna Tatarczyk, Susanne S.D. Themlitz, Toshiaki Suenaga, Valeriano, Anna Vilents, Grzegorz Waliczek, Yunong Wang, Xin Zhou